Unclog Pipes Easily: How to Use a Drain Snake
how to use a drain snake

Unclog Pipes Easily: How to Use a Drain Snake

Imagine this: it’s a relaxing Sunday evening, and you’re enjoying a warm shower after a long day. But suddenly, the water starts pooling around your ankles, and the drain refuses to do its job. You find yourself ankle-deep in dirty water, feeling frustrated and helpless. We’ve all been there.

But fear not, because there’s a solution that can save you from these unpleasant situations. It’s called a drain snake, and in this article, we’ll show you how to use it to unclog your pipes easily. Say goodbye to standing in dirty water and hello to smooth-flowing drains!

Whether you’re dealing with a stubborn clog in your sink, shower, or bathtub, a drain snake can be your trusty companion in restoring the proper flow. Let’s dive in and learn how to use this simple yet effective tool.

Key Takeaways:

  • A drain snake is a flexible metal cable coiled into a protective drum, designed to clear clogs in sinks, showers, and tubs.
  • It is best to use a drain snake when your drain is draining slowly or not at all due to soft clogs, such as hair or soap scum.
  • Using a drain snake has several benefits, but it also has limitations and potential risks if used incorrectly.
  • There are different types of drain snakes available, including manual cable snakes, flat tape snakes, power snakes, and toilet augers.
  • While it’s possible to use a wire hanger as a makeshift snake, it may not be as effective as a proper drain snake.

When Should I Use a Drain Snake?

If your sink, shower, or tub drain is draining slowly or not at all due to soft clogs like hair or soap scum, it’s time to use a drain snake. Before reaching for the snake, you can try other methods such as pouring a combination of baking soda and vinegar down the drain or using a plunger. However, if these methods fail to clear the clog, a drain snake can be your reliable tool for unclogging.

A drain snake, also known as a drain auger or plumbing snake, is specifically designed to tackle soft clogs within the plumbing system. It features a flexible metal cable coiled into a protective drum, allowing it to navigate through the pipes and break up the clogs effectively. When used correctly, a drain snake can save you time, effort, and the hassle of calling a plumber.

When dealing with soft clogs, it’s important to address the issue promptly to prevent further blockages and potential damage to your plumbing system. By using a drain snake, you can quickly and efficiently clear the clog, restoring proper flow and avoiding potential backups and costly repairs.

Remember, if you’re unsure about using a drain snake or if the clog persists even after attempting to clear it with a snake, it’s advisable to seek professional help. An expert plumber has the necessary skills and equipment to handle more complex and stubborn clogs, ensuring a thorough solution to your drainage problems.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Using a Snake?

A drain snake can be a valuable tool for clearing clogs in sinks, showers, and tubs. It offers several advantages that make it a popular choice for many homeowners. However, it’s important to understand the limitations and potential drawbacks as well. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of using a drain snake.

The Pros of Using a Drain Snake

  • Accessibility: A drain snake is readily available at most hardware stores or online retailers. It’s a convenient solution that you can have on hand whenever a clog occurs.
  • Affordability: Compared to hiring a professional plumber, using a drain snake can save you a significant amount of money. It’s a cost-effective option for tackling minor clogs.
  • Simplicity: Operating a drain snake doesn’t require specialized knowledge or skills. With proper instructions, you can easily use it without the need for professional assistance.
  • Effectiveness: Drain snakes are designed to break up and remove soft clogs such as hair, soap scum, and other debris. They can often clear the blockage and restore proper drainage.

The Cons of Using a Drain Snake

  • Limitations: While drain snakes are effective for many clogs, they may not be able to grab onto certain materials or fully clear dense or extensive obstructions. In such cases, additional methods or professional help may be required.
  • Potential for Damage: Using a drain snake incorrectly or with excessive force can cause damage to the plumbing system. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully and employ gentle yet effective techniques.

Overall, using a drain snake offers several benefits, including accessibility, affordability, simplicity, and effectiveness. However, it’s crucial to be aware of its limitations and use it responsibly to prevent any potential harm to your plumbing. Now that we’ve covered the pros and cons, let’s explore the different types of drain snakes in the next section.

What Are the Different Types of Drain Snakes?

When it comes to tackling clogged drains, having the right tool for the job is essential. There are several types of drain snakes available, each designed to handle specific types of clogs. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of drain snakes:

1. Manual Cable Snakes:

Manual cable snakes, also known as hand snakes, are the most basic and affordable option. They consist of a flexible metal cable coiled into a drum. These snakes are suitable for clearing soft debris clogs in sinks, showers, and tubs located within 15 to 25 feet down the line. They are easy to use and can be a handy tool for everyday clogs.

2. Flat Tape Snakes:

Flat tape snakes, also called flat sewer tapes, are similar to manual cable snakes but come in a flat tape-like design. They are useful for clearing clogs in narrow pipes or traps where a larger snake might not fit. They are commonly used in tight spaces such as bathroom sinks or shower drains.

3. Power Snakes:

Power snakes, also known as electric drain snakes or plumber’s snakes, are motorized versions of manual cable snakes. They are equipped with a motor that rotates the cable, allowing for easier and more effective clog removal. Power snakes can handle tougher clogs and are often used by professionals for heavy-duty drain cleaning.

4. Toilet Augers:

Toilet augers, also called closet augers, are specifically designed for unclogging toilets. They have a long cable with a specialized head that can navigate through the toilet’s curved trap without damaging the porcelain. Toilet augers often have a rubber coating to protect the toilet bowl from scratches. They are the go-to tool for clearing stubborn toilet clogs.

Choosing the Right Type of Drain Snake:

When selecting a drain snake, consider the type of clog you are dealing with and the specific requirements of your plumbing system. Manual cable snakes and flat tape snakes are suitable for general household clogs, while power snakes and toilet augers are better suited for specialized tasks. It’s also important to ensure that the drain snake is compatible with the size of your pipes.

Remember, if you’re unsure about which type of drain snake to use or how to use it correctly, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional plumber for guidance.

Drain Snake vs. Hanger: Can I Use a Wire Hanger to Unclog a Drain?

When faced with a clogged drain, you may consider using a wire hanger as a makeshift drain snake. While it can be tempting to opt for this DIY solution, it may not provide the desired results. Let’s take a closer look at using a wire hanger to unclog a drain and why it is not as effective as a drain snake.

A wire hanger is readily available and easily accessible, making it a convenient option in a pinch. However, it lacks the specialized design and functionality of a drain snake, which can limit its effectiveness. Wire hangers may struggle to securely grip onto certain materials and navigate through the pipes as efficiently as a drain snake. As a result, they are less likely to effectively clear the clog in your drain.

It is important to consider the potential risks of using a wire hanger to unclog a drain. The sharp edges of the hanger can cause damage to your pipes, leading to costly repairs. Furthermore, the flexibility of the hanger may make it difficult to apply enough force to dislodge the clog effectively.

To ensure the best results and minimize the risk of damage, it is recommended to use a proper drain snake. A drain snake is specifically designed to tackle different types of clogs and can reach deep into the pipes to clear blockages effectively. Its flexible yet sturdy construction allows for better maneuverability and increased chances of clearing the clog without causing harm to your plumbing system.

In conclusion, while using a wire hanger as a drain snake alternative may seem like a quick solution, it falls short in terms of effectiveness and potential risks. To achieve optimal results and avoid potential damage, it is advisable to invest in a proper drain snake for unclogging your drains.

using a wire hanger to unclog a drain

Remember, when it comes to tackling clogged drains, it’s best to rely on the right tools and techniques to ensure a successful outcome.

How Do You Snake a Shower or Bathtub Drain?

To effectively snake a shower or bathtub drain and clear any clogs, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by removing the drain cover or overflow plate using a screwdriver or an appropriate tool.
  2. Next, insert the drain snake into the drain opening, ensuring that it goes down as far as possible.
  3. Tighten the thumbscrew or secure the locking mechanism on the snake to keep it in place.
  4. Slowly rotate the snake handle in a clockwise motion while pushing it further into the drain. This rotation helps to snag the clog and break it apart.
  5. Once you feel resistance, carefully and gently pull the snake back while clearing away any debris it brings up.
  6. Inspect the drain and run water to check if it is now flowing freely. If needed, repeat the process until the drain is completely clear.

Remember, it’s essential to exercise caution during the process to prevent any damage to the pipes or fixtures. If you encounter any difficulties or the clog persists, it may be best to seek professional assistance from a plumber.

If you need visual guidance, refer to the image below, which illustrates the steps for snaking a shower or bathtub drain:

how to snake a shower or bathtub drain

How Do You Snake a Toilet?

If you’re dealing with a clogged toilet, using a toilet auger or closet auger is the most effective way to snake the drain. These tools are specifically designed for toilets and can help you clear the blockage quickly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to snake a toilet:

  1. 1. Prepare the auger: Get your toilet auger and make sure the cable is extended but still inside the auger head. The cable should be long enough to reach the clog.
  2. 2. Position the auger: Lower the auger head into the toilet bowl, making sure it goes past the trap and into the drain opening.
  3. 3. Rotate the auger: Crank the handle of the auger clockwise to rotate the cable. This will help break up the clog or grab onto any objects causing the blockage.
  4. 4. Apply gentle pressure: As you rotate the auger, apply gentle, steady pressure to push the cable further into the drain and navigate through the clog.
  5. 5. Clear the debris: Slowly pull the auger back while checking for any debris that may have attached to the cable. This will help ensure that the clog is fully cleared.
  6. 6. Repeat if necessary: If the clog persists, repeat the process of rotating and pulling the auger multiple times until the drain is clear.

Remember to be cautious not to use excessive force, as it can damage the toilet bowl. If you’re unsure or if the clog persists after multiple attempts, it’s recommended to consult a professional plumber.

By following these steps, you can effectively snake a toilet and restore proper functionality to your bathroom plumbing.

Pros Cons
Specifically designed for toilets May not be effective for certain types of clogs
Can clear most toilet clogs Requires some skill and caution to use correctly
Provides a cost-effective solution May cause damage to the toilet if not used properly

How Do You Snake a Sink Drain?

Snaking a sink drain can be a simple and effective way to unclog your sink and restore proper drainage. Whether you need to remove the P-trap or insert the snake directly into the drain, follow these step-by-step instructions to get the job done.

Removing the P-trap

If your sink has a visible P-trap, you can start by removing it to access the clog more easily. Here’s how:

  1. Place a bucket or container underneath the P-trap to catch any water or debris.
  2. Loosen the slip nuts on both ends of the P-trap using a pair of pliers.
  3. Gently remove the P-trap and empty any trapped water and debris into the bucket.

Using a Drain Snake Directly

If you prefer to insert the snake directly into the drain, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the snake cable into the sink drain until you feel resistance.
  2. Turn the snake’s crank clockwise to push the cable further down the pipe.
  3. Continue turning the crank while applying downward pressure to snag the clog.
  4. Slowly pull the snake back out of the drain, clearing any debris as you go.

Once you have cleared the clog, reassemble the P-trap if you removed it and tighten the slip nuts securely. Run water to test the drainage and ensure that the sink is now flowing smoothly.

Remember to always exercise caution when using a drain snake. If you encounter any difficulties or the clog persists, it may be best to seek professional assistance to prevent further damage to your plumbing system.

What Should You Do When a Drain Snake Isn't Working?

If you find that a drain snake isn’t effectively clearing a clog, don’t panic. There are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to address the issue. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Check the insertion and maneuvering: Ensure that the drain snake is properly inserted into the drain and maneuvered to reach the clog. It’s important to guide the snake carefully to ensure it reaches the obstruction.
  2. Inspect for any obstructions: Take a moment to check if the drain snake is stuck or caught on any obstacles in the pipe. If it is, try reversing the direction of the snake while gently pulling it out to dislodge any debris.
  3. Assess the distance of the clog: If the clog is located too far down the drain line, the snake may not be long enough to reach it. In such cases, it may be necessary to use a longer or professional-grade drain snake to effectively clear the obstruction.
  4. Consider calling a professional plumber: If you’ve tried troubleshooting the drain snake and the clog still persists, it may be time to seek the assistance of a professional plumber. They have the expertise and specialized tools to tackle more stubborn or complex clogs.

Remember, safety is paramount when attempting to address plumbing issues. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable handling the situation yourself, it’s always wise to consult a professional to avoid causing further damage. They can help you resolve the clog and restore proper drainage in a safe and efficient manner.

Source: First source


Using a drain snake can be a practical and cost-saving method for unclogging sinks, showers, and tubs. When faced with a slow or clogged drain caused by soft debris like hair or soap scum, a drain snake can often provide an effective solution. By following the proper instructions and safety precautions, you can avoid causing damage to your plumbing system and successfully clear the clog.

However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of a drain snake. It may not be able to handle heavy items or cut through dense or extensive clogs. If your efforts with a drain snake do not yield the desired results, it’s best to seek professional help to prevent further complications.

In conclusion, a drain snake can be a valuable tool in your plumbing maintenance toolkit. Regular maintenance and prompt action at the first signs of a clog can help prevent costly repairs in the future. Remember to use a drain snake responsibly and, when unsure, consult a professional plumber for expert assistance.


When should I use a drain snake?

You should use a drain snake when your sink, shower, or tub drain is draining slowly or not at all due to soft clogs, such as hair or soap scum. If other methods like baking soda and vinegar or plunging are not effective, a drain snake can be a useful tool.

What are the pros and cons of using a drain snake?

The pros of using a drain snake include accessibility, affordability, simplicity, and effectiveness in clearing many clogs. However, drain snakes may not be able to grab certain materials or fully clear dense or extensive clogs. Additionally, using a drain snake incorrectly or forcefully can cause damage to the plumbing system.

What are the different types of drain snakes?

There are manual cable snakes, flat tape snakes, power snakes, and toilet augers. Manual cable snakes are basic and affordable, while power snakes are motorized and can handle tougher clogs. Toilet augers are specifically designed for unclogging toilets and have a rubber coating to protect the porcelain.

Can I use a wire hanger to unclog a drain instead of a drain snake?

While it is possible to fashion a DIY snake from a wire hanger, it is not as effective as a drain snake. Wire hangers may not be able to grab onto certain materials or navigate through the pipes as effectively. It is recommended to use a proper drain snake for better results.

How do you snake a shower or bathtub drain?

To snake a shower or bathtub drain, you will need to remove the drain cover or overflow plate, insert the snake into the drain, tighten the thumbscrew, rotate the snake handle to snag the clog, and slowly pull the snake back while clearing the debris. Repeat the process if necessary.

How do you snake a toilet?

To snake a toilet, you need to use a toilet auger or closet auger. Guide the auger cable into the toilet drain, crank the auger to clear the blockage or grab onto the object, and pull the auger out while checking for any debris. Repeat the process if needed until the toilet drain is clear.

How do you snake a sink drain?

To snake a sink drain, remove the P-trap if necessary or insert the snake directly into the drain. Push the cable into the pipe, turn the crank to snag the clog, and slowly pull the cable back while clearing any debris. Reassemble the drain pipe and test for drainage by running water.

What should you do when a drain snake isn’t working?

If a drain snake is not effective in clearing a clog, make sure it is properly inserted and maneuvered. Check if the snake is stuck and try reversing the direction while pulling it out. If the clog is too far down the line or the snake cannot clear the obstruction, it may be necessary to call a professional plumber.

What is the conclusion of using a drain snake?

Using a drain snake can be a practical and cost-saving method for unclogging sinks, showers, and tubs. It is important to follow the proper instructions and safety precautions to avoid causing damage to the plumbing system. If a drain snake is not effective, it may be necessary to seek professional help.

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