Attract Bats to a Bat House: Simple Steps & Tips
how to attract bats to a bat house

Attract Bats to a Bat House: Simple Steps & Tips

Imagine sitting in your backyard on a warm summer evening, watching as the sky starts to darken. The air fills with the sweet, melodic chirping of birds as they settle in for the night. But there’s something missing. An absence that leaves the night feeling incomplete. The flutter of wings, the gentle swoop of a bat, dancing through the twilight, feasting on insects, and adding a touch of mystery to the night.

If you’ve ever longed to welcome these fascinating creatures into your backyard, to provide them with a safe haven where they can roost and thrive, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the steps and tips you need to follow to attract bats to your bat house. From choosing the right bat house attractants to understanding the optimal bat house placement and design, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to create a welcoming habitat for bats in your backyard. So let’s dive in and discover the secrets of attracting bats to a bat house.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right bat house attractants is essential for attracting bats to your bat house.
  • Proper bat house placement plays a significant role in enticing bats to roost in your backyard.
  • Understanding bat house design, including dimensions, ventilation, and color schemes, can make your bat house more appealing to bats.
  • Installing your bat house correctly is crucial to maximize the chances of bat occupancy.
  • Maintaining your bat house ensures a safe and comfortable environment for bats, increasing the likelihood of attracting them.

Choosing the Right Bat House Attractants

When it comes to attracting bats to your bat house, selecting the right bat house attractants is key. Creating a suitable habitat and using effective attractants can significantly increase the chances of attracting bats to your backyard.

Proper habitat is crucial for bats, as it provides them with the ideal environment for roosting and raising their young. Here are some attractants that are known to be effective in drawing bats to your bat house:

  1. Scent Attractants: Bats have a strong sense of smell, so using scent attractants can be highly effective. Consider using guano scent, bat pheromones, or guava extract to create an enticing aroma that attracts bats.
  2. Proper Lighting: Bats are nocturnal creatures and are attracted to areas with minimal light pollution. Ensure that your bat house is installed in a location with little to no artificial lighting. This will help create a dark and safe environment for bats to roost.
  3. Nesting Materials: Providing appropriate nesting materials can make your bat house more appealing to bats. Include rough-textured materials like slate or rough sawn lumber, which mimic natural roosting surfaces that bats prefer.
  4. Roosting Space: Bats prefer bat houses that have multiple chambers with different temperatures. Consider a bat house design that provides roosting spaces with varying levels of warmth and humidity, catering to different bat species.

The Importance of Bat House Design

Choosing the right bat house design is essential to attract bats. A well-designed bat house will provide important features and functionalities that cater to the needs of different bat species. It should offer ample roosting space, proper ventilation, and protection from predators and inclement weather.

Remember, bats are sensitive creatures and are naturally drawn to habitats that mimic their natural roosting environments. By incorporating these attractants and ensuring that your bat house design meets their needs, you’ll create an inviting space that bats will be eager to call home.

Attractant Effectiveness
Scent Attractants Highly effective
Proper Lighting Effective
Nesting Materials Effective
Roosting Space Highly effective

Optimal Bat House Placement

When it comes to attracting bats to your backyard, proper bat house placement plays a vital role. By strategically positioning your bat house, you can significantly increase the chances of attracting these fascinating creatures. Here are essential tips to guide you in maximizing bat house placement for optimum results.

Consider the Sun

When selecting the location for your bat house, it’s crucial to consider the amount of sunlight it receives. Bats prefer roosting in warm, sunlit areas, so choose a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Sunlight helps regulate the temperature inside the bat house, providing a comfortable environment for bats to roost.

Avoid Obstructions

Ensure that your bat house is free from any obstructions that may hinder bats from entering or leaving. Avoid placing the bat house near tall trees or buildings where branches or structures could obstruct its entrance. Bats need clear flight paths for easy access to and from the bat house.

Height Matters

The height at which you install your bat house can affect its attractiveness to bats. Ideally, mount the bat house at least 12 to 15 feet above the ground. Bats prefer higher roosting sites as they provide a greater sense of security. Higher placement also protects bats from predators and allows for better air circulation within the bat house.

Face the Right Direction

Orienting the bat house in the right direction can make a significant difference in its effectiveness. For bat houses located in the northern hemisphere, aim for a southern or southeastern orientation. This allows the bat house to capture the morning sun, helping to warm it up early in the day.

Stay Away from Noise and Disturbances

Bats are sensitive to noise and disturbances, so it’s important to avoid placing your bat house in areas with high human activity. Select a location away from heavy foot traffic, loud machinery, or areas where activities like parties or sports events take place. A quiet and peaceful setting will attract bats seeking a tranquil roosting spot.

Follow these tips to optimize the placement of your bat house and create an enticing environment for bats to call home. By providing the right conditions, you’ll increase the chances of attracting these beneficial creatures to your backyard.

Optimal Placement Tips Benefits
Aim for 6 hours of direct sunlight Provides warmth and regulates temperature inside the bat house.
Avoid obstructions near the entrance Allows bats easy access to and from the bat house.
Mount at least 12 to 15 feet above the ground Offers a sense of security and protection from predators.
Orient towards the south or southeast Captures the morning sun, warming the bat house early in the day.
Keep away from noise and disturbances Provides a peaceful environment for bats to roost.

Understanding Bat House Design

When it comes to attracting bats to your backyard, the design of your bat house plays a crucial role. Bats have specific preferences and requirements for their roosting spaces, and understanding these design elements can significantly increase the likelihood of bats taking up residence in your bat house.

The Proper Dimensions

One of the key considerations in bat house design is the size and dimensions of the structure. Different species of bats have specific space requirements, so it’s essential to choose a bat house size that caters to the bats native to your area. A bat house that is too small may not provide enough room for the bats to roost comfortably, while a bat house that is too large may not attract bats at all.

Pro Tip: To determine the appropriate dimensions for your bat house, research the specific bat species you wish to attract and build or purchase a bat house that meets their needs.

Proper Ventilation

Ventilation is another critical aspect of bat house design. Bats prefer roosting spaces that are well-ventilated to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. Without proper ventilation, the bat house can become too hot or humid, making it unsuitable for bats.

Pro Tip: Ensure that your bat house includes properly designed ventilation slots or gaps that allow for adequate air circulation while still maintaining the structure’s integrity.

Color Schemes

The color of your bat house can also influence its attractiveness to bats. Bats are nocturnal creatures, and they rely on dim lighting to navigate and locate their roosting spaces. Therefore, it’s recommended to choose a bat house color that blends well with the night sky to make it more visible and appealing to bats.

Visual Representation of Bat House Design

Bat House Design Element Description
Proper Dimensions Choose a size that accommodates the bat species in your area.
Proper Ventilation Include ventilation slots or gaps for air circulation.
Color Schemes Choose a color that blends with the night sky.

By considering these important design elements, you can create a bat house that is tailored to the needs and preferences of bats, increasing its appeal and attracting these beneficial creatures to your backyard.

Installing Your Bat House

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect bat house and prepared the necessary attractants, it’s time to install your bat house in your backyard. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure a successful installation that will attract bats and provide them with a safe roost:

  1. Choose the right location: Look for a spot that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day, preferably facing south or southeast. Keep in mind that bats prefer quiet, undisturbed areas, away from excessive noise and bright lights.
  2. Mounting options: There are two main ways to mount your bat house – on a pole or on the side of a building or tree. Choose whichever option provides the best conditions for attracting bats to your backyard.
  3. Mounting on a pole: If you choose to mount your bat house on a pole, make sure it is at least 12-15 feet high. This will help protect the bats from predators and provide them with a suitable flying path for easy access to their new home.
  4. Mounting on a building or tree: When attaching your bat house to a building or tree, ensure it is at least 10-12 feet off the ground. Opt for a location that is sheltered from strong winds and receives a good amount of sunlight.
  5. Secure the bat house: Use sturdy screws, bolts, or straps to securely fasten the bat house to its mounting surface. This will prevent it from swaying or falling, ensuring the safety of the bats inside.

Remember, it may take some time for bats to discover and inhabit your bat house. Be patient and allow them to find it on their own. To help speed up the process, consider using bat house attractants and following proper bat house placement guidelines discussed earlier.

Step Instructions
1 Choose the right location for your bat house, considering factors such as sunlight and quiet surroundings.
2 If mounting on a pole, ensure it is at least 12-15 feet high for predator protection and unobstructed flying paths.
3 If mounting on a building or tree, position it at least 10-12 feet off the ground, sheltered from winds.
4 Securely fasten the bat house to its mounting surface using screws, bolts, or straps.

With your bat house successfully installed, you’ve taken another step toward creating a bat-friendly backyard. Now, all that’s left to do is wait for the bats to find their new roost and enjoy their presence as they contribute to a thriving ecosystem.

Maintaining Your Bat House

Regular bat house maintenance is crucial for creating a safe and comfortable environment that attracts bats to your backyard. By implementing simple cleaning, repair, and inspection routines, you can ensure that your bat house remains appealing to these fascinating creatures. Here are a few helpful tips for maintaining your bat house:

Cleaning Your Bat House

Periodically cleaning your bat house helps prevent the buildup of debris and guano, ensuring a hygienic roosting space for bats. Follow these steps to clean your bat house:

  1. Wear gloves and protective clothing to avoid contact with potential pathogens.
  2. Remove the bat house from its mounting and gently open it.
  3. Scrape out any accumulated guano and debris using a plastic scraper or brush.
  4. Wipe the interior surfaces with a mild soap or bat-safe disinfectant solution.
  5. Rinse the bat house thoroughly with clean water.
  6. Allow the bat house to air dry completely before reattaching it to its mounting.

Repairing Damaged Bat Houses

Inspect your bat house regularly for any signs of damage or wear. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further deterioration and ensure that your bat house remains in optimal condition. Consider the following repair tips:

  • Replace loose or damaged parts, such as loose screws or cracked wood panels.
  • Seal any gaps or cracks that may allow drafts or moisture to enter the bat house.
  • Check for signs of pests, such as carpenter ants or termites, and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.
Remember, a well-maintained bat house promotes the long-term presence of bats in your backyard, making it a thriving habitat for these beneficial creatures.

Inspecting Bat House Occupancy

Regularly monitoring bat house occupancy provides valuable insights into the success of your bat house and the overall bat population in your area. Use these tips to conduct inspections:

  1. Observe the bat house at dusk to see if bats are entering or exiting.
  2. Document any observations of bat activity, including the number of bats and their behavior.
  3. Keep a logbook to track bat activity over time and identify any changes or patterns.
  4. Consider installing a bat house occupancy monitoring device to gather detailed data on bat usage.

Maintaining your bat house with regular cleaning, repairs, and inspections ensures that it remains an inviting haven for bats. By following these maintenance tips, you can attract and support a thriving bat population in your backyard.

Promoting Bat House Occupancy

Once you’ve set up your bat house, you’ll want to take steps to ensure its occupancy. By creating an inviting environment and addressing the needs of bats, you can increase the chances of them choosing your bat house as their new home. Here are some effective strategies to promote bat house occupancy:

Attracting Insects

One of the best ways to entice bats to occupy your bat house is by providing an abundant food source. Bats are voracious insect eaters, so by attracting insects to your backyard, you’ll increase the likelihood of bats making regular visits. Planting native flowering plants, installing a garden pond, and using outdoor lighting that doesn’t attract insects can all help create an insect-friendly environment.

Providing Water Sources

Bats need a source of water for drinking and hunting insects. By incorporating water features, such as a birdbath or small pond, into your backyard, you can provide bats with the essential water they need. Make sure the water is clean and accessible to bats, and consider adding shallow areas or rocks for perching.

Creating a Suitable Environment

Bats prefer environments that mimic their natural roosting habitats. To make your bat house more enticing, consider incorporating the following features:

  • Vegetation: Planting trees or installing shrubs near your bat house can provide additional roosting spots and shelter for bats.
  • Shade: Bats prefer cooler environments, so placing your bat house in a shaded area can make it more appealing.
  • Privacy: Bats like to feel safe and secure, so minimize human activity near the bat house and avoid creating disturbances.

“Creating a bat-friendly environment involves attracting insects, providing water sources, and ensuring the right habitat conditions. By taking these steps, you can increase the chances of bats choosing your bat house as their new roosting spot.”

Remember, attracting bats to your bat house may take time and patience. It’s important to provide a suitable environment and address their needs consistently. By implementing these strategies, you’ll create an appealing space that bats won’t be able to resist.

bat house occupancy

Strategies to Promote Bat House Occupancy

Strategy Description
Attracting Insects Plant native flowering plants, install a garden pond, and use insect-friendly outdoor lighting.
Providing Water Sources Incorporate a birdbath or small pond into your backyard to provide bats with a water source.
Creating a Suitable Environment Plant trees or shrubs near the bat house, ensure shade, and minimize disturbances.

Landscaping for Bat Attraction

When it comes to attracting bats to your backyard, your landscaping choices can make a big difference. By creating a welcoming environment that mimics their natural habitat, you can increase the chances of bats taking up residence in your bat house. Here are some landscaping tips to help you attract bats and provide them with a proper habitat:

1. Plant Native Plants

Native plants are important for attracting bats because they provide a familiar food source and offer shelter for insects, which bats feed on. Consider planting native trees, shrubs, and flowers in your yard to create a diverse habitat that appeals to bats.

2. Create a Diverse Ecosystem

By incorporating a variety of plants, you can create a diverse ecosystem that attracts a wide range of insects. This diversity will not only provide bats with a plentiful food source but also attract other wildlife, creating a balanced and thriving ecosystem in your backyard.

3. Provide Natural Food Sources

Enhance the appeal of your yard to bats by incorporating plants that produce fruits, nectar, or pollen. These natural food sources will attract insects, which in turn will attract bats. Consider planting fruit trees, native flowers, or installing a bat-friendly garden to increase the availability of food for bats.

4. Incorporate Water Features

Bats require a water source for drinking and foraging. Including a bird bath, small pond, or other water features in your landscape design can attract bats by providing them with a reliable water source. Ensure that the water is clean and fresh, and place it in a location where bats can easily access it.

5. Avoid Chemicals and Pesticides

To create a bat-friendly environment, it’s important to avoid using harmful chemicals and pesticides in your yard. These substances can be toxic to bats and interfere with their ability to find food. Instead, embrace natural pest control methods and allow bats to help keep insect populations in check.

6. Create Bat Houses in Communal Areas

Consider working with your neighbors or your community to create a network of bat houses in communal areas. This collaborative effort can create a larger and more appealing habitat for bats, increasing the chances of attracting them to your backyard.

Landscaping choices play a crucial role in attracting bats to your backyard. By incorporating native plants, creating a diverse ecosystem, providing natural food sources, including water features, avoiding chemicals, and collaborating with your community, you can create an inviting environment that is sure to attract bats to your bat house.

Next, we’ll explore the importance of educating others about bats and implementing bat-friendly practices to further enhance your backyard as a haven for these fascinating creatures.

Educating Others about Bats

When it comes to attracting bats to your backyard, education plays a vital role. By spreading awareness, dispelling common misconceptions, and promoting bat conservation, you can inspire others to create bat-friendly environments. Help your friends, family, and neighbors understand the importance of these fascinating creatures and how they contribute to a diverse ecosystem.

One effective way to educate others about attracting bats to your backyard is through personal experiences and stories. Share the positive impact of having bats in your vicinity, such as reduced insect nuisance and improved pollination. Paint a vivid picture of how bats can enhance the balance of nature in your community.

“Bats are often misunderstood and unfairly vilified, but they play a crucial role in maintaining healthy environments,” says Dr. Emily Collins, renowned bat expert and conservationist. “By dispelling misconceptions and highlighting the benefits of bats, we can encourage others to appreciate and protect these incredible creatures.”

Another effective method is organizing workshops or events focused on bat education. Invite local experts to share their knowledge and expertise on bat habitat, behavior, and conservation efforts. Provide informative brochures and pamphlets that emphasize the positive impact of attracting bats to your backyard.

“Education is the key to fostering a sense of responsibility towards bat conservation,” says Sarah Mitchell, a wildlife educator and advocate. “By showcasing the unique qualities of bats and their value in our ecosystem, we can create a collective understanding and support for bat-friendly initiatives.”

Creating bat-friendly signage for your backyard can also help raise awareness. Use bold colors and engaging graphics to grab attention. Include informative facts and practical tips on how to attract bats. By placing these signs strategically, you can spark curiosity and inspire others to learn more about these remarkable creatures.

Throughout the process, remember to showcase empathy and compassion. Understand that misconceptions about bats are deeply ingrained in many cultures. Patience and open-mindedness are fundamental in gradually shifting perception and fostering a positive mindset towards attracting bats to your backyard.

The Power of Education

Education acts as a catalyst for change. By educating others about bats and their importance, you have the power to create a ripple effect. Each person inspired to create a bat-friendly environment in their backyard contributes to a larger movement towards bat conservation.

Unlock the potential of education and be the catalyst for change in your community!

attracting bats to your backyard
Benefits of Educating Others about Bats Methods of Education Impact on Bat Conservation
Dispels misconceptions Sharing personal experiences Increases awareness and support
Promotes understanding Organizing workshops and events Inspires collective responsibility
Creates empathy and compassion Designing bat-friendly signage Encourages bat-friendly initiatives

Implementing Bat-Friendly Practices

In addition to the steps and tips discussed earlier, there are several more practices you can implement to attract bats to your backyard. These practices create a welcoming environment and ensure that bats feel safe and comfortable in their new habitat.

Reducing the Use of Pesticides

One of the most important practices is to minimize the use of pesticides in your yard. Bats are key natural pest controllers, with a single bat capable of consuming hundreds of insects per night. By reducing chemical pesticides, you not only provide a healthier environment for bats but also help maintain a natural balance in your backyard ecosystem.

Minimizing Outdoor Lighting

Another crucial practice is to minimize outdoor lighting in your backyard. Bats are nocturnal creatures and are highly sensitive to artificial light. Bright lights can disrupt their foraging patterns, disorient them, and make it difficult for them to navigate. By utilizing motion-activated or low-level lighting, you create a more bat-friendly atmosphere while still maintaining visibility and safety at night.

Creating Bat Houses in Communal Areas

Lastly, consider creating bat houses in communal areas such as parks or nature reserves. Bats are social creatures that often gather in groups, and providing communal roosting opportunities can increase the likelihood of attracting bats to your area. By collaborating with local authorities or conservation organizations, you can help establish bat houses in suitable locations where multiple bat species can thrive.

By implementing these bat-friendly practices, you not only enhance your backyard ecosystem but also contribute to the conservation of bats. Together, we can create a supportive environment that attracts and protects these incredible creatures.

Monitoring Bat Activity

Once you have successfully attracted bats to your backyard and provided them with a comfortable bat house, it’s important to monitor their activity. By observing and documenting bat behavior, you can gain valuable insights into their habits and ensure that your bat house is being utilized effectively.

Here are some tips and resources to help you monitor bat activity:

  1. Observe dusk and dawn flights: Bats are most active during these times, so make it a habit to spend some time outside and watch for their flights. Take note of the number of bats, their flight patterns, and any interactions you observe.
  2. Use a bat detector: A bat detector is a device that converts the ultrasonic sounds emitted by bats into audible frequencies. By using a bat detector, you can identify different bat species based on their unique calls and determine their activity around your bat house.
  3. Install a bat camera: Consider setting up a bat camera near your bat house to capture footage of bats as they roost and fly in and out. This can provide valuable documentation of their behavior and help you better understand their patterns and preferences.
  4. Document roosting patterns: Take note of which compartments of the bat house are being utilized by bats. This can help you determine if any adjustments need to be made to the design or placement of the house to accommodate the bats more effectively.
Remember, bats are sensitive creatures, so it’s essential to respect their space and observe them from a distance. Avoid shining bright lights or using flash photography, as this can disrupt their natural behavior.

For further learning and involvement in bat conservation efforts, here are some resources to explore:

  • Visit the Bat Conservation International (BCI) website for comprehensive information on bat conservation, research, and education.
  • Participate in citizen science initiatives like the Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation BatWatch Program to contribute your observations and data to ongoing research projects.
  • Connect with local bat conservation organizations and attend workshops or events to deepen your knowledge and get involved in community initiatives.

By monitoring bat activity and becoming actively engaged in bat conservation, you can contribute to the understanding and protection of these incredible creatures.

Resource Description
Bat Conservation International (BCI) A prominent organization dedicated to bat conservation, research, and education.
Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation BatWatch Program A citizen science initiative that allows you to contribute bat observations and data to ongoing research projects.
Local bat conservation organizations Connect with local organizations to learn more about bat conservation efforts in your area and participate in community initiatives.


In conclusion, attracting bats to a bat house is a simple and rewarding way to enhance your backyard ecosystem. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you can create an inviting habitat that not only benefits bats but also contributes to their conservation.

Remember to choose the right bat house attractants that appeal to bats and provide them with proper habitat. Pay close attention to bat house placement, ensuring that it is in a location that bats find appealing for roosting. Understanding the design features that attract bats, such as proper dimensions and ventilation, is also crucial.

Once your bat house is installed, it is important to maintain it regularly. Cleaning, repairing, and inspecting the bat house will ensure a safe and comfortable environment for bats. Additionally, promoting bat house occupancy through methods like attracting insects and providing water sources can further entice bats to make your bat house their home.

By implementing bat-friendly practices, such as reducing the use of pesticides and minimizing outdoor lighting, you can create a welcoming environment that attracts bats. Educating others about the importance of bats and spreading awareness about bat conservation is also key in creating bat-friendly communities.


How can I attract bats to a bat house?

To attract bats to a bat house, it’s important to consider the use of bat house attractants. These can include bat guano or bat droppings, as they emit pheromones that attract bats. Additionally, you can provide a suitable habitat by planting native plants that attract insects, which are a primary food source for bats.

Where is the best place to put a bat house?

The best place to put a bat house is in a location that mimics the natural environment bats prefer. This means positioning the bat house in a quiet area away from bright lights and human activity. It’s also crucial to mount the bat house high on a pole or building at least 10-15 feet off the ground.

What should I consider when choosing a bat house design?

When choosing a bat house design, it’s essential to consider factors such as proper dimensions, ventilation, and color schemes. Bats prefer houses with multiple chambers and narrow interior surfaces for roosting. Ventilation is crucial for temperature regulation, and darker-colored bat houses can absorb and retain heat better.

How do I install a bat house?

To install a bat house, you should secure it to a pole or the side of a building using appropriate mounting hardware. Ensure that the bat house is stable, facing south or southeast to maximize sunlight exposure, and positioned at least 10-15 feet above the ground. It’s also important to avoid obstructions such as trees or buildings that could impede bat access.

How do I maintain a bat house?

Regular maintenance of a bat house is important to ensure its longevity and appeal to bats. Clean the bat house annually to remove any guano buildup and inspect for damage or wear. Repair any cracks or holes, and replace worn or loose parts as needed. Additionally, ensure that vegetation does not obstruct the bat house entrance.

How can I promote bat house occupancy?

To promote bat house occupancy, create a suitable habitat by attracting insects with native plants and providing a nearby water source. Avoid using pesticides, as they can harm bats and reduce their prey availability. Creating a diverse ecosystem in your backyard and ensuring a bat-friendly environment will increase the likelihood of bats roosting in your bat house.

Can landscaping choices attract bats to my backyard?

Absolutely! Landscaping choices can play a crucial role in attracting bats to your backyard. Plant native flowers, shrubs, and trees that bloom at night to attract nocturnal insects, which are a vital food source for bats. Creating a diverse ecosystem with a variety of native plants, water features, and natural food sources will make your backyard more appealing to bats.

How can I educate others about bats?

Educating others about bats is important for dispelling myths and promoting bat conservation. Spread awareness by sharing information about the benefits of bats, their role in pollination and insect control, and how to create bat-friendly environments. Use social media, community workshops, or school presentations to educate others about the importance of bats in our ecosystems.

What practices can I implement to attract bats to my backyard?

You can attract bats to your backyard by reducing the use of pesticides, minimizing outdoor lighting, and offering communal bat houses. Bats are sensitive to artificial lights and pesticides can harm their food sources. Installing bat houses in communal areas can create a sense of community for bats and increase the chances of attracting them to your backyard.

How can I monitor bat activity around my bat house?

Monitoring bat activity around your bat house can be an exciting and informative endeavor. Observe bats as they enter and exit the bat house during dusk and dawn. Take notes on the number of bats, their behavior, and any changes over time. You can also participate in citizen science programs that involve bat monitoring, such as the Great Backyard Bat Count.

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